
What is a Cobia?


Science Name: Rachycentron canadum
Other Names: ling, lemonfish, crab eater, bacalo
World Record: 135 lbs. Australia
Environment: offshore
Techniques: medium tackle, trolling

Fishing Frequently Asked Questions

What is a great secret for landing trout for the yearly trout opener?

What are the advantages and Disadvantages of braided fishing lines?

What is brood stock?

What is a good technique for spring crappie fishing?

What is the best way to aviod my frozen bait from falling off my hook?

What is down hotting?

What is the B-run for steelhead?

What is a Smallmouth Bass?

What is a Brook Trout?

What is a Common Carp?

What is a Coho Salmon?

Chain Pickerel

What is a Chinook Salmon?

What is a Gray Snapper?

What is a King Mackerel?

What is a Redeye Bass?

What is a Redfin Pickerel?

What is a Brown Bullhead?

What is a Bluegill?

What is a Black Crappie?

What is a Blue Catfish?

What is a Largemouth Bass?

What is an Atlantic Croaker?

What is a Weakfish?

What is a White Catfish?

What is a White Croaker?

What is a Suwannee Bass?

What is a Swordfish?

What is a Steelhead?

What is a "A-run steelhead".

What is "Anadromous"?

What is a White Sturgeon?

What is an Aligator Gar?

What are the different types of fishing bobbers?

What is a good technique for Halibut fishing?

What is a Blue Marlin?

What is a Black Marlin?

What is a good bait for Tuna in the 20 to 40 mile range?

What is a Blue Tilapia?

What is a Hybrid Striped Bass?

What is a Peacock Bass?

What is a Chum Salmon?

Cutthroat Trout

What is a Blackfin Tuna?

What is a Channel Catfish?

What is a Lake Sturgeon?

What is a Lake Trout?

What is a Flathead Catfish?

What is a Gag Grouper?

What is a Golden Trout?

Whay is a Muskie?

What is a Northern Pike?

What is an Oscar?

What is a Redfish?

What is a Pompano?

What is a Rainbow Trout?

What is a Bonefish?

What is a Brown Trout?

What is a Bigeye Tuna?

Do you have any tips for fishing clear water?

Do you have ay advise for fishing low visibility water?

What are American Shad?

What is a Atlantic Cod?

What is a Greater Amberjack?

What is the best way to hook a crawdad?

What is Biological reference points for fish refer too?

What is a Walleye?

What is a Striped Bass?

What is a Striped Marlin?

What is a Snook?

What is a Sockeye Salmon?

What is a Spanish Mackerel?

What is a Spotted Bass?

What is a Spotted Seatrout?

What is a Summer Flounder?

What is a Tarpon?

What is a Wahoo?

What is a Yellowfin Tuna?

What is an Atlantic Halibut?

What is an Atlantic Salmon?

What is a Atlantic Bonito?

How do I keep the fish I caught fresh for cooking?

What is a Black Sea Bass?

What is a Bowfin?

What is a Bluefin Tuna?

What is a Bluefish?

What is a Sheepshead?

What is a Permit?

What is a Pink Salmon?

What is a Longnose Gar?

What is a Cobia?

What is a Dolphin fish?

What is a Great Barracuda?

What is a Pacific Halibut?

What is a Skipjack Tuna?

What is a Red Snapper?

What is a Roosterfish?

What is a California Halibut?

What is a Black Sea Bass?

what is a Black Grouper?

What is the best way to store live eels for fishing bait?

What is the best way to hook a crawdad?

What is a Vermilion Snapper?

What is a White Marlin?

What is a Sailfish?

What is a Jewfish?

What kind of fish can I catch if I go fly fishing?

How do I pick the right wader for fly fishing?

Any suggestions for an exciting destination to fly fish?

How do I know what to look for in a fly rod?

What are some good sources of information on fly fishing?

How do I plan a trip?

How can I catch pressured bass?

Where will I find crappies?

Try hybrid stripers for fast sub-surface action.

How do I lay a scent for big catfish?

How can I catch walleyes in the winter?

Which baits catch muskies?

Where are the bluegills in the summer?

What is a conservation hook?

How does the thermocline affect fishing?

How can I make my crankbaits weedless?

How do I get my lure to track straight?

Can I add a trailer hook to my crankbait?

What sized crankbaits should I use for pond fishing?

How can I up my odds for predator species in the late fall and early winter?

How do I use a countdown bait?

How do I make my floating crankbait run deeper?

What about the new super baits?

What's the best way to store my lures?

What colors are best?

How can I decide where to go fishing?

Where do I find a fishing lodge?

Where I can I fish in the city?

What are some things I should think about before I go fishing in the wilderness?

Should I hire a guide?

What one packing tip will make my fishing trip more enjoyable?

What have I forgotten now that I'm done packing?

How can I go cheap?

How can I find new fishing destinations close to home?

How can I afford a fishing trip?

Where can I find cheap fishing equipment?

Can I make my own lures?

Can I get an inexpensive boat?

Where can I get cheap bait?

What baits are the cheapest?

Are there inexpensive muskie baits?

Where can I find lake contour maps?

What's an inexpensive way to visit great fishing areas?

Where do I fish?

Why do panfish keep changing depths under the ice?

How can I be safe on the ice?

How can I improve my footing on the ice?

When is the best time to ice fish?

How do I deal with cold fingers?

Can I find live bait in the winter?

Can I catch big fish through the ice?

Should I fish at different depths?

Are fish locators feasible?

What's the best bait going for under the ice?

How do I match the hatch?

Are leeches a good bait?

What will a nightcrawler catch?

Are frogs really a good bass bait?

Will fish bite on mealworms?

Will maggots catch fish?

How do I keep minnows alive?

How do I keep my crawfish out of the rocks?

What are the best ways to use crickets and grasshoppers?

Is live bait difficult to care for?

Are there any new bass tactics?

Will hybrid stripers eat chicken livers?

What is bulging a spinnerbait?

How do I dress up a spoon?

How do I catch northern pike?

How do I best fish a trotline for catfish?

How can I catch more perch?

How can I improve my retrieve?

How do I use a contour map?

How can I increase casting distance?

What's the most important aspect of night-fishing?

What is the best use of light?

How can I fool after-dark bass?

Can I catch muskies at night?

How can I catch walleyes at night?

What is the best bullhead bait?

What's a good activity for the kids?

Will bug spray hurt the fishing?

How can I find my way around after dark?

What is finesse fishing?

Which colors are best?

How do I catch pressured bass?

How do I finesse a northern pike?

What is the best way to target channel catfish?

How do I finess a muskie?b

What's the best way to catch crappies.

How do I catch big bluegills when the bite is tough?

How can I catch carp?

Will walleyes bite in shallow water?

How is a lunker fish different from the smaller ones?

Where are the lunker catfish?

Can I catch fish in the warm-water discharges?

When can I catch big bluegills?

Why are shad jumping out of the water?

What time of the day is best for lunker largemouths?

What's a great way to catch trophy northern pike?

How do I get a lunker class walleye to bite?

How do I photograph my lunker catch?

How do I use the current to my advantage?

Where can I find the really big catfish?

Are the tailraces really that good?

Where can I find trophy blue catfish?

What's the best way to use a trotline?

Are skamania trout good fishing?

How do rainstorms affect river fishing?

What's a fool-proof way to take rainbow trout?

How do I tell the difference between a sauger, saugeye and walleye?

Which end of the boat do I anchor from in a river?

Are there any modifications to "standard" bass lures that will make them more effective?

Is it important to change fishing line on my reels every year even if I did not use it much last season?

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